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From Siberia With Health

Many people, both women, and men, may face such a problem as skin stretch marks. This defect does not bring joy to anyone, although it does not prevent the body from fully functioning. Nevertheless, it looks quite unattractive, as a result of which people are constantly looking for means to combat stretch marks. Surprisingly shilajit which is known as a dietary supplement can help us here what would be a cosmetic remedy...

Shilajit copes well with stretch marks, especially if used in conjunction with horse chestnut extract, pine cones or pine needles extract, as well as burdock root extract - this is what we would call a traditional Siberian recipe. 

To get rid of skin atrophy through shilajit, you can use the processes that this mixture is able to provide:

  1. Restoration of damaged cellular tissue.
  2. Enriching the skin with vitamins and minerals.
  3. Stimulation of protein synthesis (collagen and elastin enter the skin).

Stretch marks are better treated by topical application. In this case, it will be possible to ensure the receipt of the maximum amount of necessary substances to the affected skin. In addition, when a person has an individual intolerance to individual components, external use will significantly reduce the possibility of an any allergic reaction.

Probably the easiest method is to apply Altai cream-gel with shilajit in it. For example, Altai Cream-Gel “Anti-Stretch Marks” with Shilajit and Siberian Herbs – it is made using traditional formula and combination of shilajit with Siberian Herbs, such as: Horse chestnut extract, Pine needles extract, Pine cones extract, Burdock root extract. Directions: Apply all over skin, concentrating on stretch mark prone areas such as tummy, hips, thighs, and bust. Massage liberally into skin twice daily. Store in a cool dry place and keep tightly closed after initial opening.

Viburnum oil is a useful extract obtained from the seeds of ripe berries of the plant of the same name. For the manufacture of the product, a cold-pressed method is typically used. The oil has just a slightly pink or yellowish tint, its structure is fluid, slightly viscous. As seeds provide most of the oil and are pressed during the extraction process, viburnum oil has distinct and very pleasant aroma and flavour.

The composition of the product includes a large number of useful substances. In particular, the extract contains:

  • tocopherol;
  • palmitic and myristic acids;
  • beta-carotene;
  • lycopene;
  • xanthophylls;
  • oleic and linoleic acids;

Viburnum oil in cosmetology.

Mainly, viburnum oil has been used in Siberia, Russia externally for medicinal and / or cosmetic purposes. The healing and softening properties of the product are beneficial for problem skin, inflammatory processes and bleeding.

For external application the only main contraindication is an individual allergy which are quite rare, still please pay attention to that.

The use of viburnum oil can improve the condition of dry and irritated skin. The viburnum oil squeeze is used for the preparation of cosmetic masks, for healing compresses, used internally to accelerate digestion.

Oil from pine (cedar) nuts growing in Siberia has been used for many centuries by locals (famous for their good health and longevity) for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. It is consumed in its pure form, mixed with Siberian herbs, pine resin, shilajit, etc.

The legendary properties of Siberian pine nut oil have been ignored by official medicine and pharmacy for many years, but in recent years scientific institutes around the world have shown interest in this unique natural remedy.

The main attention of the minds of scientists is occupied by the study of linolenic acid, which is unique in that it is contained only in the seeds of coniferous plants. Pine nut oil contains a significant amount of this acid (more than 18%). In addition to the well-known Oleic and Pinolenic acids, pine nut oil contains Skeadonic, Palmitic, Stearic, Gadoleic, Arachidonic, Eicosatetraenoic (ETA), Behenic, Palmitinoleic.

Thanks to its rich composition, Pine nut oil has amazing properties that can be justified and explained with the help of modern science. What do scientists say about the medicinal properties of cedar oil and Linolenic Acid included in its composition?

Currently, it is scientifically proven that products containing Pinolenic acid can be used to control weight, to control food intake, appetite, and /or weight loss.

Many researchers have assessed it as a rich source of protein and essential amino acids, the deficiency of which cannot be filled by traditional crops. Today, amaranth oil occupies an important place in phytotherapy and potentially the prevention of some health issues.

A new variety of amaranth "Cherginsky" has been created at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Omsk (Siberia, Russia). The novelty has high frost resistance and plasticity, which makes it possible for its cultivation in a wide variety of conditions. A remarkable feature of the amaranth "Cherginsky" is its precocity, which makes it possible to obtain full-fledged seeds in the conditions of Western Siberia.

First of all, the Siberian variety of Amaranth oil has a high concentration of antioxidants, which means that it could be effectively used for medicinal purposes.

An extensive range of useful properties of amaranth oil of the "Cherginsky" variety determines the versatility of its application. Siberian Amaranth oil is highly appreciated because of the following qualities:.. Read More

  • 3 min read

The most popular source of Omega fatty acids is flax oil, in which these essential substances occupy more than half of the mass (up to 55%). In numbers, the benefits of linseed oil look impressive: to cover a person's daily need for Omega-3, only 1.9 g of linseed pomace (less than a teaspoon) is enough!

The second in the rating of Omega-3 content is Camelina (False flax) oil. Alpha-linolenic fatty acid occupies about 35% of its composition, linoleic acid is almost 2 times less, which makes this oil very useful for health.

Another natural oil containing Omega-3 in large quantities is pine (cedar) oil, the so-called "Cure for a hundred diseases" (so-called in Siberia oil from pine nuts). High nutritional value, numerous therapeutic properties, very harmonious and delicate taste have earned him great popularity and respect.

Where can Omega-7 be found?

The first thing that comes to mind when looking for an answer to this question is sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn oil is the leader in Omega-7 content. Other few (and not so rich) sources of this acid are Australian macadamia nut, mink, seal and whale oil and other similar exotics.

Sea buckthorn oil goes well with any preparations, except those that contain high doses of vitamin E. The oil is excellent for combined use with preparations that improve the condition of the skin (for example, Omega-3, hyaluronic acid).

The history of sports of the 20th century tells us that the active use of dietary supplements from natural herbs by athletes began in the 1970s in the Soviet Union.

In the list of pharmacological remedies popular at that time among professional athletes, there was also an extract from the Maral root in the form of its ecdysteroids, nicknamed the "Russian Secret" in the Western countries. It was used by them in preparation for the Olympics in 1980, at which Soviet athletes achieved resounding success.

A few years later, the United States created its own analog - the mesobolin, which was distributed mostly thru not “approved” channels. Separate laboratory studies suggest that the effectiveness of Maral root extract in sports and bodybuilding for gaining muscle mass may exceed the effect of taking anabolic steroids.

In the experiment, female athletes engaged in fitness took a Maral root powder 2 times a day for 1 pc. during meals for ~45 days. Result: it was found that taking Maral root causes a significant improvement in physical performance and muscle strength (by 15%); in the muscle strength test, in which the deadlift was performed, a significant increase in lifting weights was noted from 205 lb. to 304 lb. on the 14th day. When measuring the strength of the brush, there are no differences.

As you can see, the results of scientific research are ambiguous. Part of the study confirms the ability of the Maral root to build muscle mass, tone the body and, accordingly, have a positive effect on athletic performance.

  • 3 min read

Deep underground in the mountainous part of Southern Siberia there are pockets of granitization. From there, from 6-10 miles away, extremely valuable enriched with trace minerals, fulvic and humic acids waters rise to the earth's surface and absorbed by plants and vegetation, including milk thistle.

The effect of these waters on health has been studied relatively well. But how many more extraordinary secrets are hidden there, in the depths! Almost all chemical elements present on Earth come up. They are absorbed by herbs and converted by them into the most useful compounds.

So the vegetation growing in the Siberian region certainly cannot be called ordinary! Oil from Siberian milk thistle is much better than oil from herbs growing in Europe. This region is unique in its ecological parameters - the Siberian nature, despite the long history of development by Russian researchers and urban planners, is still little studied by man. Sometimes you cannot meet a single living soul for hundreds of kilometers here! Aren't these ideal conditions for the growth of environmentally friendly milk thistle? The oil made from the extract of this plant is an excellent source of the famous Siberian longevity.

Both the medical and nutritional value of hawthorn seeds is due to the increased content of active but at the same time easily digestible substances.

Each of the hawthorn berries contains 3-5 seeds of a triangular shape. They do not sit very tightly in the pulp and can be easily removed when a fruit is fresh, but when it’s dry – it’s almost impossible to take out. Both - berries and seeds – have great therapeutic effect, whether hawthorn are fresh, frozen, or dried.

It is recommended to prepare teas, balms, drinks, and compotes based on extracts from solid natural raw materials (whole berries with seeds) since its useful components, contained in berries and seeds will stay with the liquid during processing. Hawthorn tea, drink, compotes are much tastier and healthier in comparison with those prepared from berries without seeds. For a basic compote from whole dried hawthorn berries, let dried berries to stay overnight in liquid, then bring it to boil, and now you can eat much softer berries with honey or as-is, and you have a ready to drink healthy hawthorn compote.

Hawthorn seeds are also used in Siberia for making flour, from which you can then bake cupcakes, buns, cakes, etc - pretty much like bird cherry flour, very popular in Siberia. There is also a method of using ground hawthorn seeds for the purposes of fortification (adding vitamins and useful nutrients) in wheat flour and baking mixes products in Siberia.

In the East, the healing properties of Shilajit were known since ancient times. It found recognition in other countries as well. The ancient Greek philosopher and pharmacist Aristotle and the Central Asian scientist Biruni, the Arab philosopher and physician Ibn Ruschts, the medieval French pharmacist Guy de la Fontsne, and the brilliant Italian Leonardo da Vinci paid tribute to this natural remedy.

Here's an interesting fact for you: in southern Siberia and Altai, people of the past also studied the beneficial properties of Shilajit. Moreover, the results of their research are in no way inferior to the research of ancient Greek and Arab sages.

Shamans of the tribes that lived in the Altai mountains in the 11-12th century used "Black Gold" (as they called this unique mountain resin) in the treatment of wounds of hunters, treatment of diseases of the elderly, increasing the immunity of women of the tribe, etc.

In this article, we will look at the several recipes from Shilajit that we inherited from the indigenous people of Altai.

It’s important to mention that today shilajit is recognized as a dietary supplement, not a drug that is supposed to prevent or cure a disease. However, please consult with your physician or healthcare provider before taking this or any other dietary supplements. Even following shamans’ advice requires a good judgement and proper consultation with a medical expert. Be Healthy!

The use of the resin is predominantly external. Inside, it is allowed to use only an oil solution of turpentine with an active ingredient concentration of up to 10%. Specifically pine nut oil with pine resin and sea buckthorn oil with pine resin – amongst the most popular mixes of resin with oil. More saturated balms (20-50%) are suitable exclusively for external use.

There are many options for how to use pine resin, depending on the existing diseases and the state of the body. The most common problems for which it is recommended to use pine resin are:

  • joints and musculoskeletal system;
  • excess weight;
  • eye / vision problems;
  • cosmetics, skin health;
  • damage to hair.

If you plan to use the resin orally, as a supplement with oil (capsule form, for example) therapy begins with recommended doses. Pine resin is taken 3-5 drops per day, preferably in the morning, 20-35 minutes before breakfast.

With obesity, the presence of cellulite, and general laxity of the skin, rubbing in a steam room using an oil solution of resin helps.

Pine resin is also used in the beauty industry for hair care. The main effect of this substance when caring for curls is to strengthen the roots and stimulate growth. Additionally, cedar gum normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands and improves the appearance of the hair. It produces a weak antifungal effect, therefore it can be used in the complex treatment of seborrhea and dandruff.

  • 3 min read

Shilajit has a bitter taste, it has a specific smell similar to oil. Interestingly, it almost completely dissolves in water, leaving only small sediment. Not everyone likes the taste of pure Shilajit. For this reason, remedies based on Altai resin are a mixture of Shilajit and all kinds of natural additives that change the taste to a pleasant one.

Those who prefer pure Shilajit often mix it with water, coffee, milk, and honey. One of the most popular drinks is herbal tea. It is customary for them to finish almost any meal, and in general, the daily consumption of tea for a modern person is very high. So, is it possible to mix Altai Shilajit with tea?

Mixing Altai Shilajit with green tea, you deal a double blow to many unpleasant diseases. In addition, this combination is an excellent tool for preventing health disorders and increasing the body's immunity.

It is a black tea that perfectly reduces the feeling of nausea and is actively working to create beneficial microflora in the intestines.  In combination with Altai Shilajit, black tea is an effective remedy for intoxication of the body.

Which tea is tastier with Shilajit?

It depends. If you are truly concerned about health benefits of tea – definitely pick green tea and variations of it – herbal tea, even pine needle tea which we discussed later in our blog. But not everyone is only interested in the beneficial properties of tea - for some, the taste and color of the drinking matter. Black tea has a richer taste and a much brighter color due to the thearubigins (polyphenols) it contains, which are formed during the fermentation of black tea.

Sea buckthorn berries have become popular in the last decade due to their rich chemical composition. They are used in various spheres of life to help maintain and improve health. Unusual taste, smell, and appearance attract many fans of exotic. But why does sea buckthorn have such a unique vibrant color?

Sea buckthorn has a very specific taste. In ripe berries, it is sour with a little bitterness. Fruits nailed by freezing become sweetish-bitter. Some varieties have a bright sweetish note.

The scent of the fruit is a mixture of the freshness, sourness, and bitterness of a resinous tree. It has a quite acidic flavor. Many say that the scent of sea buckthorn is similar to the scent of a Siberian pine forest during a rainy season. Honestly, we don’t know why but the smell is definitely interesting.

Researchers from the University of Ulm (Germany) have collected data on exactly how ultraviolet radiation is reflected from the fruits and leaves of 97 plant species around the world. The study also included some berries from Siberia, including sea buckthorn.

The science team found that the colors of the berries of related species have nothing to do with this relationship, which means that their color is independent of the genetic relationship. Scientists write that the fruits are mainly eaten by mammals (primates), which better perceive colors from the green part of the spectrum. Birds that prefer bright berries, on the other hand, notice red and orange colors faster, which are easier to spot in green foliage, including sea buckthorn bushes.
