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Aceite de espino amarillo de calidad prémium, 100 ml, en botella PET libre de BPA y protegida contra los rayos UV. Aceite elaborado a partir de bayas de espino amarillo recolectadas de forma silvestre mediante prensado en frío, conservando todo su sabor y valor nutricional recibido de la naturaleza.
100 % siberiano: frutas y bayas orgánicas enteras recolectadas en forma silvestre de Siberia, el bosque prístino de Altai y las Montañas Doradas.
Virgen extra, prensado en frío, sin refinar, crudo, sin OGM Ingredientes: 100 % aceite de espino amarillo. No se le añade nada.
El aceite de espino amarillo promueve la hidratación y elasticidad de la piel. Si se toma por vía oral, comience con 1 cucharadita durante el primer o segundo día. Aumente la dosis a una cucharadita hasta tres veces al día, aproximadamente 30 minutos antes de las comidas.
De calidad alimentaria, ideal para cocinar y preparar ensaladas. Componente de cremas para el contorno de ojos. Componente de cosméticos para el cabello (champús, bálsamos, mascarillas). Componente fundamental para fortalecer la placa ungueal, el cabello y el cuidado de la piel.
Auténtico y natural, el mejor aceite de espino amarillo siberiano de su clase, sin refinar, crudo a partir de bayas y semillas recolectadas de forma silvestre, directamente de Altai, Siberia, botellas de PET de 100 ml sin BPA
Fabricado/Diseñado por Siberian Green
Envío gratuito a cualquier lugar de EE. UU. incluido + GRANDES descuentos para el valor total del carrito en dólares.
*El descuento por volumen no se aplica al programa Suscríbete y ahorra un 10 %
Your total cart value | Discount | Discounted Price |
$75.00 USD | 20% | $11.96 USD |
$150.00 USD | 30% | $10.47 USD |
$300.00 USD | 35% | $9.72 USD |
$500.00 USD | 40% | $8.97 USD |
This product is amazing quality and I use it for so many different things. If I’m hanging around home I’ll use it straight and leave on while I’m pottering around the house. Yes I look like an Oompa Loompa/Donald trump but it really helps with my mild rosacea and my skin feels much smoother/brighter after. I don’t wear foundation and have found a drop or two added to moisturiser helps to give me a bit of a warm healthy glow. Perhaps my favourite trick though is adding a drop or so to my mineral zinc sunscreen -the warm yellow/orange colour helps to neutralise that white cast that always happens to me even when the brand promises it won’t happen. Will definitely buy again!
First, I want to say that the oil has a very pleasant, lightly sweet aroma reminiscent of berries, which is truly enjoyable. Second, the quality of Siberian Sea Buckthorn Oil is excellent; it is not greasy. I use it on my hands, feet, and face, and I especially love it for my scalp since I am constantly losing hair. This magical oil works for everything! I highly recommend it.
Not suitable for skin. Very thick. Gluggy. Does not rub in well and makes skin orange. Has a very pungent smell. Have used sea buckthorn oil before and it’s never been like this. It was like the oil is very old.
Prompt delivery. Product was as advertised, and is of very good quality. Highly recommended!