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Aceite de bardana siberiana Evalar 100 ml 3,4 fl. oz Puro natural 100 % prémium Cuidado del cabello, la piel y el cuerpo

  • INGREDIENTES: Extracto de aceite de raíz de bardana siberiana al 100 % (100 ml, 3,4 fl.oz)
  • APLICACIÓN: Para todo tipo de cabello. Se elimina fácilmente con el lavado. Rico en microelementos. Nutre el cuero cabelludo y estimula el crecimiento del cabello. El aceite de bardana siberiana previene la caída del cabello y la caspa.
  • MODO DE USO: Frote el aceite tibio en las raíces del cabello. Distribuya por todo el largo del cabello. Envuelva su cabeza con un gorro de plástico o una toalla. Enjuague con champú después de 1 hora. Utilícelo 1 o 2 veces por semana.
  • CALIDAD PREMIUM: Fabricado/Diseñado por Siberian Green/ Evalar: fabricante con certificación ISO y GMP a nivel mundial de Siberia, República de Altai.

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Your total cart value Discount Discounted Price
$75.00 USD 20% $12.76 USD
$150.00 USD 30% $11.17 USD
$300.00 USD 35% $10.37 USD
$500.00 USD 40% $9.57 USD

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Elitsa C.
Fantastic Products and Service

I would definitely repurchase. It comes quick and the quality is great.

Mahli a.A.
Simply Amazing Nothing Like it in any Australian Store

Burdock oil. Where to begin, I have scruffy hair, curly but scruffy, the 1st time I used Burdock oil, after putting some in a freezer bag lol, then in a bowl, then filling the bowl with boiling hot water, then applying it to my hair, down to the roots, and giving my hair a good scrub, then using the freezer bag as a shower cap etc, I waited 1hr n maybe 15-20 mins, n when I washed it out with shampoo, could notice the results right away, hair was smoother, literally looked like my white hairs had gone lol, or they just blended in better, either way, nothing I've ever used has even had half the effect or results that Burdock oil has, everything on SiberianGreen, works amazing and all you usually need is a fast metabolism to notice the the effect n benefits almost instantly, Maral root, allows Mt to smash work, 06:00starts till 16:30, or 0700 till 16:30, n soon as I get home after catching the bus, smash 2 he core workout, then 3 his main workout, but core is every day, main is every3rd day, and imagine warehouse worker that does literally tonnes of heavy lifting every day, I can confidently say without Maral Root, that'd be literally impossible for me,.
