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What is better to buy: cedar oil or flour?

Cedar oil and cedar flour are valuable products. They are rich in useful properties. They are made from the fruits of the Siberian cedar. It grows in the Altai Mountains. But what to choose: cedar oil or flour? Let's consider each product. So we will decide which is better.

How is a cedar cone mined?

A cedar cone is a source of cedar nuts. Oil and flour are obtained from it. Cones are mined by hand in the Altai Mountains. People collect ripe cones that have fallen from the cedar. Or they climb the tree and pluck the cones. This is a dangerous profession and hard work. This process takes place in ecologically clean conditions of Siberia. After collection, the cones are cleaned and the nuts are extracted. These nuts serve as the basis for the production of cedar oil and flour.

Cedar oil: what are the benefits?

Cedar oil is a storehouse of useful substances. It is produced by cold pressing. This preserves vitamins and minerals. The oil is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids. The oil strengthens the immune system and maintains health. It improves the condition of the skin and hair. It also helps with stress and fatigue. It is used in food and cosmetics. The product is suitable for daily use.

Add cedar oil to salads. It gives dishes a nutty flavor. The oil can also be used in porridge. Add it to hot dishes after cooking. To strengthen the immune system, take the oil on an empty stomach. It is recommended to take one spoon in the morning. The oil in capsules is convenient for daily use. This is a natural product of Siberian nature. Cedar oil is a choice for health.

Cedar flour: what is it good for?

Cedar flour is crushed cedar nuts. It is a natural and environmentally friendly product. The flour is rich in protein and fiber. It is suitable for dietary nutrition. Flour improves digestion and supports immunity. The product preserves all vitamins and microelements. It is an ideal option for baking and drinks. Flour contains less fat than butter.

How to use cedar flour?

Cedar flour can be used in baking. Add it to bread, pies and pancakes. Flour will give the dough a nutty flavor. Flour is also added to porridge and smoothies. Here is a simple milkshake recipe:

Milkshake with cedar flour:

  • 1 cup of milk.
  • 1 tablespoon of cedar flour.
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.

Mix all the ingredients in a blender. You will get a tasty and healthy drink. This milkshake is suitable for breakfast or a snack.

What to choose: butter or flour?

Both cedar oil and flour are healthy products. If you want more fats and vitamins, choose butter. It maintains healthy skin and hair. If you need a product with protein and fiber, choose flour. It is great for baking and drinks.


Cedar oil and flour are gifts from the Siberian cedar. Both products are healthy and natural. They support immunity and enrich nutrition. It is important that they are produced in environmentally friendly conditions. Siberian Green products retain all their beneficial properties. Choose the best for your health!

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