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Desde Siberia con salud

Altai Republic is known for its beautiful landscapes and clean air, where nature manifests itself in all its glory. It is here, surrounded by mountain ranges, dense forests, and alpine meadows that our products are made. Our Altai products are renowned for their high quality and natural ingredients, providing a natural source of energy. They are rightfully considered among the best.
The berries have antioxidant properties. They help the body fight harmful effects. Sea buckthorn tones and energizes. It protects the body from diseases and aging. Sea buckthorn is the path to longevity and an active life. Try dried sea buckthorn “Siberian Green” and feel its benefits.
Sea buckthorn oil from Sibirean Green is a natural remedy for beauty and health. It supports the skin, moisturizes it and fights age-related changes. Vitamins C and E strengthen the immune system and protect cells. The oil helps heal wounds. Moisturizes dry skin and protects it from inflammation. Eating sea buckthorn oil maintains the health of the body. The nature of Siberia and Altai gives you a pure, natural product for your beauty and health.
